Innovations and Patents

We are proud to announce that Exlterra has been granted a patent for a new product which allows for improved stability and weight distribution of motor vehicles.

We call it the “Du-Wheel”.

This invention allows the swift and simple addition of an extra pair of wheels to the front or back axle of any off-road vehicle, without the need for custom rims, sophisticated tools, or complicated setups.

The Du-Wheel is the perfect solution to improve traction and stability of vehicles riding on soft, uneven soils. When the ground conditions improve, the extra pair of wheels can be removed from the vehicle as quickly as they were installed.

Our new drill rig is already equipped with the Du-Wheel, which has shown great advantages when working in difficult conditions. We are working toward adapting the Du-Wheel to other vehicles so they too can gain the same benefits. This product can be expected to come to market soon!