After a successful training in the summer, the Exlterra team in Poland has become fully operational to promote and install our sustainable environmental technologies.

In the fall, Mazury Golf & Country Club in Naterki became the first location in Poland where GEPS was installed. “We were very happy to work with Mazury Golf & Country Club, who immediately recognized the many advantages of GEPS compared to drainage and gave us an initial area to treat” says Marćin Munski in charge of the development for Exlterra. “The installation was performed to the client’s satisfaction and the results came early. The Golf already noticed some significant improvement in water infiltration just 6 weeks after installation”.

Exlterra also enjoyed strong interest for NEPS and a first installation was commissioned by the Management of Roads and Greenery for the city of Olsztyn which ordered a series of trees to be equipped last October. The city was mostly attracted by the simplicity of the NEPS technology and how it can integrate with their sustainable urban forestry program.

We also worked with professional organic growers in Biala Rawska (apples) and in Jastków (hops) and equipped fifty of their trees with NEPS. Those trees will be monitored by a leading Polish agronomy institute which will study the impact of NEPS on their yield and health.